About Craigwdme

Meet Burlington man in Vermont
31 years old straight single man located in Burlington, Vermont

I love passion!

I have never had a long term relationship. I'm a computer geek (not a hacker type)who is looking for a nice girl. I have two Aibos; a Orange ERS-210 and a ERS-31L. My family also has a dog, he's a Shitz Zu named Colby who is 3 years old. If you want to learn more about computers I'm more than happy to help (not a professional though, just a self taught geek). I have AS or Asperger's Syndrome which is a high functioning form of Autism, for more info on that see the entry in the WikiPedia. I have a hard time understanding emotions so please try to be understanding of that. I'm a very nice, open minded guy, and I'm very smart. Everything I know computers I taught myself by reading computer books, magazines, & through hands on experiences(as mentioned earlier). I like to read reference material like encyclopedias or explore reference CD-ROMs such as The New the Way Things Work by David Macaulay (there is a book by a similar or same name by this author).

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