About poetdoc

Casual dating with men in Ridgeland in Mississippi
47 years old straight single man located in Ridgeland, Mississippi

Worth the Effort...

I am a degreed professional who has a variety of experiences - intellectual, lighthearted, professional and otherwise. I am very good at what I do, and I would consider myself a success. I am 6 feet tall, attractive, and very intense when the situation calls for it. I get everything I want, because I work until I get it. That's in the boardroom, the bedroom, or anywhere else. My best friends would (and do) describe me as a go-getter, a gentle intellectual (talking down to people is stupid and rude), and a guy who can light up a room. The women I've been with have offered other descriptions, but you'll have to email me for that. :) I respect women too much to "go there" unless it's asked for. I am a gentleman and a scholar, and I'm proud of both. When I get wild (and I do), that's private. And it's all for you, your pleasure, and eventually mine. I don't play; I PLAY. *chuckle* And yes, my activities are sanctioned. Long story; let me know if you want to hear it.

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